With hundreds of caves explored and mapped, the island of Samar is starting to be recognized as the caving capital of the Philippines. Langun-Gobingob Caves, the largest caving system in the country is also found in Samar, particularly in the town of Calbiga. The cave system has a huge chamber that can easily fit three football fields. So if you want a new spice of adventure, caving in Samar has to be included in your bucket list of top things to do in 2016.
Samar was put in the caving spotlight since the discovery of the biggest cave in the Philippines, the Langun Gobingob Caves in Brgy Panayuran, Calbiga, Samar. However, the island of Samar is not only home to the biggest cave in the country but it also hides the most amazing caves you will ever see in your life.So if you’re a person who loves to explore and always ready for a great adventure, then set out on a journey to the third largest island of the Philippines, the island of SamarAs of today, hundreds of caves has been discovered, mapped and catalogued by some Italian, French and Filipino speleologists in the island. And there might even be more than a thousand waiting to be discovered. No wonder why many adventure seekers from the Philippines and other countries have dared to visit and explored the caves of Samar.
The following caves are just some of the stunning caves that can be found in the island of Samar, which includes the provinces of Samar, Northern Samar and Eastern Samar.
Also called as the “mother of all chambers”, Langun-Gobingob Cave is the largest cave of the 12 caves in Calbiga measuring 270 meters long and 160 meters wide enough to fit three football fields. The cave is famous for speleothems and various cave life such as several endangered species of bats, cave crickets (troglobionts), the eyeless fish (Caecogobius cryptophthalmus), cave spiders (tarantula), birds, snakes, and white and red crabs.It was initially discovered by an Italian expedition back in 1987 but was further explored by three cave divers namely; Bruce Konefe, Thomas Bodis and William Hudson in August, 2009. A new section discovered was named Lurodpon a Waray-waray word for “Underwater Cave,” giving a new full name for the system “Langun-Gobingob-Lorodpon Cave.”
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